Saturday, May 31, 2008


Here's some videos from the week Kay and Ty spent with us. We had a lot of fun sliding down the stairs, having dance parties, running around with rice crispy treats, and getting stuck on ping pong tables. LOL BTW, if you want the music to stop playing so you can hear the videos, scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the pause button on the playlist. :D Hope you like the videos!

-Lyssa :K <-That's vampire btw. LOL

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hanging Out With Kay and Ty

Here's some pics of us hanging out with Kaylee and Tyler. ^_^



Hey, guys!! Last week, our cousins, Kaylee and Tyler, stayed with us at our house for a week. On Memorial Day we played Risk so here's some pics of it. Katelyn defeated us all. I'll be posting some more pics from our week together in my next post. :)

-Lyssa aka Dinky Chicken Doodle

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wii Fit Parody

LOL! This is SO funny! You've totally got to watch this!


Monday, May 26, 2008

First Beach Day of the Summer

Last Saturday was the first beach day of the summer!! We made a HUGE sand castle, there's some pics of it in the slide show. So....enjoy! ;P


Rachel's Softball Game

Wednesday night we went to see Rachel's last softball game. It was crazy fun! Rachel got some great hits and their team is really good! Here's some pics...

-Lyssa + Kaylee :D

Friday, May 23, 2008

Bubble Wrap (Rap) LOL

Friday night, my mom spread out bubble wrap on the floor and we danced to Tobymac. It was really random and amazingly fun. You should seriously try it sometime. Here's some video of it. :)

I wanna give a shout out to my Great Aunt Angie, Uncle Bruce, Jay, and Joel! Luv you guys!!!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

Hanging Out With Sarah

The other day we were hangin' out with Sarah and we had soooooo much fun! She spent the night and we made some videos that I'll be putting up soon. So keep checking for updates.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Watching Kids for the Marriage Seminar

Hey everyone! Well, on Saturday we went to watch the kids for the marriage seminar and it was a lot of fun. Here's some pictures:


Quest Social

Okay, on Friday there was a Quest social at the Corwin's house. It was loads of fun. It was just your normal Quest get together, we ate key lime pie flavored Doritos, got attacked by monkey dogs, and found an old toilet out in the yard. Here's some pics. :D

-LySsA ;)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Prince Caspian

Hey, everyone, what's up? Last night we went to see Prince Caspian at midnight, it ws REALLY fun! If you've never read the Chronicles of Narnia, you should totally read them, they're amazing! God has really used C.S. Lewis in my life to affect and inspire me. C.S. Lewis is the best writer EVER! (At least in my opinion.) ;) Here's some pics from last night....

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Care Group

Hey, guys! We had care group on Tuesday and I thought I'd show you all the pics, if you're interested. Not much goes on at care group besides getting eaten alive by bugs and playing dress up with the kids but it's still really fun. Here are some pics and videos...


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dare You To Move

This is soooo totally awesome!! Okay, so I wasn't watching American Idol last night like I usually do because there was care group and everything, plus I haven't really been watching it the past few weeks because my favorite contestants kept getting voted off. But, I found out this morning that David Cook did the most AWESOME song in the entire world and I wanted to share it with you in case you haven't already seen it. In case you haven't heard, Switchfoot's my favorite band so I was totally freaking out. :) I just wanted to let you know. :D

Oh yeah, 'I Dare You To Move' by Switchfoot is now on itunes' Top 100 songs today, I think they're #64 or something and that's pretty good considering the song is about eight years old. :D Yeah, so I'm pretty happy about it. See ya!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Biscuit Adventure

It's been a slow few days, filled with school, school, school, and more school so I haven't had much to post. But, last night I decided to embark on an incredible journey. I made biscuits. Gluten and lactose free biscuits. The recipe was basically the wheat free baking mix, sea salt, honey, and some milk. Okay, I know what you're thinking no wheat + no milk + no sugar = no flavor, but that's where you're wrong. It has almost no flavor. But, with my secret family recipe that I found on the outside of the baking mix box, I knew it would be a success! Or did I? Now you can watch the Great Biscuit Adventure with details and pictures and all of that stuff.

Okay, so this is me with the baking mix. You can just go on to the next one cuz my hair's a mess and I'm wearing a million year-old t-shirt, so just keep scrolling down....

Okay so I started out making a mess, like always. The bag blew up when I opened it, seriously.

Yes, my ipod was the victim of the flour explosion.

Lactose Free Milk. Okay, I just want to let you know that I didn't make these biscuits gluten free and lactose free just because I felt like it, I'm alergic to wheat and I'm lactose intolerant, I'm alergic to some other things but they're not the sort of things you put in biscuits. Well, unless you've ever had cantaloupe flavored biscuits before...

I decided to be a little rebellious with the recipe. It said I had to put yogurt in there. Bleh! Sorry to all you yogurt lovers out there! I put in some extra milk instead. I put in an egg in there too. I also decided to put some lactose free butter in there, to make it taste better.

Okay so, no one laugh at me, but I just found out that the thing on top of the honey is a lid that you cut open and not a gnome's hat. Shows you how smart I am. LOL

They're done!!!!

Yes, I know, they look like cookies, but they sure don't taste like cookies. I don't have a biscuit cutter. If you have one, leave a comment saying that you have one. If no one has a biscuit cutter, I won't feel so bad about it...:)

So yeah, they tasted pretty good if you put some honey on it. So this concludes The Great Biscuit Adventure. Hope you enjoyed it! I'll see you all whenever I see you, I guess. :D
